Saturday, May 12, 2012

Walk Away or Try Harder

A big company is the same with a friend that we need them more than they need us. Either you walk away or try harder. If you try harder, maybe one day, your effort will bee seen. If you walk away, they won't come after you at all and that's what hurt the most.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One Step Further..

1st May..

Maybe it just a small step..
Maybe it's nothing compared to others..
Maybe it's nothing at all..

But today..means a lot to me..
One small step..still a step further..
Alhamdulillah.. >.<

Firman Allah SWT yang bermaksud:

Dan (ingatlah) tatkala Tuhan kamu memberitahu: "Demi sesungguhnya, jika kamu bersyukur nescaya Aku akan tambahi nikmat-Ku kepada kamu, dan demi sesungguhnya, jika kamu kufur ingkar sesungguhnya azab-Ku amatlah keras."

(Surah Ibrahim: 7)